Provide local government the feedback it needs.

Use the Civic Leadership Assessment to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses with feedback that is statistically valid and reliable.

The Civic Leadership Assessment  collects opinions from persons you choose that becomes valid data on the performance of your local city council, school board, or HOA.  Not to increase sales.  But as a means to improve government performance, and maintain the value of local democracy.  The data collected helps you help your elected representatives do a better job.


Don’t depend on negative rumors or partisan personal shots. Identify areas of poor performance with feedback that is statistically valid.  The Civic Leadership Assessment collects public opinion from your neighbors in these areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Conflict Management
  3. Ethics and Public Trust
  4. Knowing the job
  5. Financial Management
  6. Leadership

We help school boards, city councils, and HOAs hone in on the opinion of the public’s image of them